So, you're in the SCA... you've been fighting for a while and you like it. The Knight that you really admire encourages you to get more involved. "Find something else that you really like about the SCA" So, now you're sitting in front of your computer thinking... "I like to fight and... and..." You draw a blank.
So, how do you find things that you like.. when you're not sure what else you like?
You like to fight.
So - start there.
The history of war and battle is thousands of years old. While the armor has changed, the actual concept has not. One side fights another side. Of course in today's wars the guns and technology have truly altered how one fights. So, go back to a time when it was a bit simpler. Find a sword that you like. See what time period it's from. Then where it was made. Find that Country and area. Then look deeper into what was going on during that time in that area. Is there a type of clothing that looks interesting to you? Perhaps a tunic or pair of pants? Well, try and make it.
YOU CAN'T SEW? WHAT? of course you can't. So, learn. There's so many opportunities in the SCA to learn simple stitches and patterns. Anyway, the clothing of the middle ages wasn't that complicated!
Or, perhaps you see a shiny hanging around the neck of a warrior. Hmm... how can you make that? Well, many things can be made by using pewter. Carve a mold, heat up some pewter, pour it in and poof, you've got something to hang on your neck (once it cools down).
WHAT? YOU CAN'T WORK WITH PEWTER? Of course you can't, but at events, there are workshops in it and people who can teach you. Your local Arts and Sciences officer can often help you find the right teacher for what you want to learn.
OK, here's one.. Learn a dance. WHAT? YOU HAVE TWO LEFT FEET. Did you know that the coordination that is needed for handy dandy foot work on the field can be obtained by learning to dance? In the middle ages and Renaissance-EVERY person at Court knew how to do simple dances. Every fighter who wants to attain Knighthood should learn the most basic of Court Dances. You can do this right at a Shire Dance practice. Have a friend take some pictures of you learning to dance. Perhaps find a copy of the music for the dance on a CD or MP3. Practice at home. Learn the dance. You now have completed an A & S project. Have a friend take a video of you doing the dance and you can actually enter a competition!
There are SO MANY things that you can find in the SCA that are interesting. Find one for yourself and do it. There are people to help you and the rewards are endless. There's nothing better than someone coming up to you and saying "Hey that's a great belt! Where did you buy it" and your response is "Didn't buy it, I made it. It was my first project in leather"
Most fighters like Challenges. So as the Arts and Sciences officer, I challenge ALL Shire members to find ONE thing new to learn and do..... .
Good luck!
Erlan Nordenskald
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